Bibliographie de Michel MINIUSSI
1986 - 1991
Letters, poetry and literary criticism published in the journal Oc : (Nos 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 16, 17, 18, 19, 20), often anonymously or under a pseudonym.

Jiròni (Jorn/Fédérop). Miniussi's first novel, published anonymously.

Lei Passatemps (Oc). Submitted to the publisher before the author's death, Miniussi's second novel was posthumously awarded the Prix Antigone.

Lei Passatemps (Les Amis de Michel Miniussi).
Second Occitan-language edition.

Lei Passatemps (Les Amis de Michel Miniussi). Third edition, with a French translation by Robert Lafont and illustrations by Bernard Manciet.

Hortus deliciarum (Les Amis de Michel Miniussi/Jorn). Illustrated volume of poetry, in Occitan with French translation.

Lettres Corses (Les Amis de Michel Miniussi). Epistolary novel in French, in collaboration with Bernard Manciet.

1980 - 1991
Translations, essays, literary studies and poems (unpublished, or in other journals).